The cytoplasm is a viscous jelly-like substance present within the cell membrane.
Some of the cell organelles found within the cytoplasm are:-
GOLGI APPARATUS (or Golgi body)
It is made of several membrane-bound,fluid-filled, sacs which are stacked together.
It is responsible for the packaging and transporting of fats and proteins.
It also helps in the formation of lysosomes.
It stores excess water, useful minerals, pigments and many other substances.
Large vacuoles are present in plant cells but smaller and more numerous vacuoles are present in animal cells.
Lysosomes contain chemical substances called enzymes that are capable of digesting cells.
In times of emergency, lysosomes burst and destroy the cells.
Hence, they are also called suicide bags of the cell.
It is involved in the synthesis, storage and transport of cell products.
They are the primary sites for protein synthesis.
Ribosomes are sometimes found attached to the surface of the endoplasmic reticulum.
such a type of endoplasmic reticulum(ER) is called Rough endoplasmic reticulum.
They act as sites of energy production and are, therefore, called the powerhouses of the cell.
Plastids are present only in plant cells.
Depending on the pigment colour, plastids are of three kinds:
Chloroplasts contain the green pigment chlorophyll, which helps plants in making food.
Chromoplasts contain non-green pigments that give colour to flowers and fruits.
Leucoplasts are colourless and store food in the form of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
These are present only in animal cells.
Centrosomes initiate and regulate cell division.