Hello Everyone Welcome in SONU LIVE ,in this post I’m providing you all important questions of CLASS 6TH HISTORY NCERT CHAPTER 1 which will help you in the UPSC Preparation and academic preparation.


Q.1. Why do we called South Asia as a sub continent?

Ans-People often call South Asia a subcontinent because, although it is smaller than a continent, it is very large and separated from the rest of Asia by seas, hills, and mountains. Q.2 Where did people live? Ans- People have lived along on the bank of Narmada river for several hundred thousand years. These people stayed on the bank of Narmada river as they knew about the vast wealth of plants in the surrounding forests. They used to collect roots,fruits and other forest produce for their food and they also hunted animals. They had also through knowledge about the poisonous plant and non poisonous plant. Q.3 Where did the traces of wheat and barley was found about 8000 years ago? Ans-Near Sulaiman and Kirdhar Hills Q.4 What were the cattle domesticating by them and where did they used to live? Ans-Sheep,Goat and Cow and used to live in villages.

Q.5 Where did the agriculture develop?

Ans-Agriculture developed in Vindhya in Central India and Garo Hills in North-East. Q.6 In which place was the rice first grown? Ans-The North of the Vindhyas. Q.7 Where did the cities develop about 2500 years ago? About 2500 years ago,cities developed on the banks of the Ganga and its tributaries and along the sea coasts. Q,8 Which of these act as natural barrier or frontiers of the Indian Subcontinent? Ans. Hills,mountains and seas Q.9 What are the two names our country knowing? India and Bharat

Iranians and Greeks who came through the north-west about 2500 years ago called the names. Ans- People called the land to the east of the river Indus India, and they called its inhabitants Hindo and Indos.

Q.11 Who were the people use the name as Bharat? Ans- The people who lived in the north-west used the name Bharat and are mentioned in the Rigveda, the earliest composition in Sanskrit (dated to about 3500 years ago)..

Q.12 What are known as manuscripts?

Ans- People can access the same information by reading the books that somebody wrote a long time ago, known as the Manuscripts. Somebody wrote these books by hand. Somebody wrote them on palm leaves or on the specially prepared bark of a tree known as the birch, which grows in the Himalayas. Q.13 What are Taala patra grantha ? Ans- The manuscripts written on palm leaf are called Taala patra grantha. (used since 5th century BC) Q.14 What are Bhurja patra? Ans- The manuscripts when written on Birch bark are known as Bhurja patra. (used since 4th century bc) Q.15 In which languages did the manuscript find at that time? Ans- Many of these were written in Sanskrit ,while others were in Prakrit (languages used by ordinary people) and Tamil.

Q.16 What did the Manuscripts provide?

Ans- These books dealt with all kinds of subjects: religious,beliefs and practices the lives of kings,medicine and science. Besides they were epics,poems and plays etc. Q.17 What are inscriptions? Ans- Inscriptions are writings or crafted on relatively hard surfaces such as stone,metals etc. Q.18 What were the two scripts and languages in which inscription was inscribed? Ans- Greek (top) and Aramaic (below) Q.19 What are archaeological and literary sources? Ans- Archaeological sources include buildings, artefacts, coins etc while literary sources include books and biographies.


Q.1 Match the following: a. Narmada Valley -Hunting and gathering b. Magadha – The first big kingdom c. Garo hills – Early agriculture d. Indus and its tributaries – The first cities e. Ganga Valley – Cities about 2500 years ago

Q4 Make a list of all the objects that archaeologists may find .Which of these could be made of stone?

Ans-Tools, weapons, pots, pans, ornaments and coins. They could have made tools and weapons of stone. They can also make buildings of stone. Q.5 Why do you think ordinary men and women did not generally keep records of what they did? Ans-Because they did not know how to read and write. Q.6 Describe at least two ways in which you think the lives of Kings would have been different from those of farmers? Ans-Nonetheless, Two ways in which the lives of kings are different from those of farmers: Farmers had to work in their field while king’s duty was to protect his citizen. equally important Kings fought battles and kept records of their victories while farmers led their ordinary life and they didn’t keep any record.

Q.7 Find the word crafts persons on page 1. List at least five different crafts that you know about today Are the crafts persons- (a) men (b) women) (c) both men and women?

Ans- Artists, Merchants, Business Person, Herders, and Scientist Yes as we know today both men and women are craft persons, because everyone has equal rights to perform his or her best. Q.8 Books in the past were written on which subjects? Which of these would you like to read? Ans-These were religious beliefs and practices, the lives of kings, medicine and science. Besides, there were epics, plays and poems. Many of these were written in Sanskrit, while others were in Prakrit and Tamil… We would like to read epics.