Class 6th history ncertClass 6th history ncert

Hello Everyone Welcome in SONU LIVE ,in this post I’m providing you all important questions of CLASS 6TH HISTORY NCERT CHAPTER 10 which will help you in the UPSC Preparation and academic preparation.


Here are the important questions which is taken from NCERT book and it will help you to know the important facts for the preparation of Upsc

Q. What is the meaning of prashasti? Ans-Prashasti is a sanskrit word which means ‘in praise of‘.
Q. Who was Samudragupta?
Ans-Samudragupta (reigned 350-375) was the second emperor of the Gupta dynasty. During his reign, he was recognised as a kind imperial conqueror and a patron of the arts and letters, which ushered in India’s Golden Age. He was dubbed “Napoleon of India” for his superb leadership and heroic wins.
Q. Who was Harishen?
Ans-Harishena was a court poet and a minister at the court of Samudragupta.
what were the four kind of rulers described by Harishena and Raja Samudragupta policies towards them?
Q. Who adopted the Grand title maharajadhiraja?
Ans-Chandragupta I ( 319-350 CE) was a king of the Gupta dynasty who ruled in northern India. His title Maharajadhiraja (“king of great kings”) suggests that he was the first emperor of the dynasty.
Q. Who was Court poet of Harshvardhan?
Ans-Banabhatta was the court poet of king Harshavardhana. Banabhatta wrote Harshvardhan’s biography Harshacharita in Sanskrit.
Q. What was the reason behind the conflict of Pallava and Chalukya in South India?
Ans-The Pallavas fought the Chalukyas due to control of territorial resources, prestige and for asserting overall superiority over the region. For further reading check the following articles: Chalukya Dynasty. Rashtrakuta Dynasty.
Q. Who composed Pulakeshin II Prashasti?
Ans-His Prashasti was composed by his court poet Ravikriti.
Q.How were the kingdoms administered?
Ans-The land revenue and the village were the fundamental administration units both for the new and the old rulers.
Q.Whose inscription provide information about assemblies?
Q.What were the name of traders and merchant association?
Ans-The Association of Traders and merchants that trained Craftspeople to maintain control over production and regulated prices is called a trade guild.
Q.What was the association name of merchant?
Ans-The Nagaram was a body of merchants which actively participated in the trade and commerce of medieval south India.
Q.Who wrote Abhigyan Shakuntalam?
Q. What did Chinese pilgrim Fa Xian say about untouchability?
Ans-Chinese pilgrim Fa Xian took a note of untouchability practiced by the powerful elite of the Empire.


Question 1: State whether true or false:

(a) Harishena composed a prashasti in praise of Gautamiputra Shri Satakarni.

(b) The rulers of Aryavarta brought tribute for Samudragupta.

(c) There were twelve rulers in Dakshinapatha

(d) Taxila and Madurai were important centres under the control of the Gupta rulers.

(e) Aihole was the capital of the Pallavas.

(f) Local assemblies functioned for several centuries in south India.

Answer: (a) False
(b) False
(c) True
(d) False
(e) False
(f) True

Question 2: Mention three authors who wrote about Harshavardhana.

Answer: The 3 authors who wrote about Harshavardhana were:

  • Banabhatta
  • Xuan Zang
  • Ravikirti

Question 3: What changes do you find in the army of this time?

Answer: The changes that can be found in the army of this time are:

  • Kings performed a well-organised army, with elephants, chariots, cavalry and foot soldiers.
  • They had an advanced range of weapons, tools etc.
  • There were military leaders who provided the king with troops and soldiers whenever he needed them. Question 4: What were the new administrative arrangements in this period?
  • Answer: The new administrative arrangements during this period were −
  • Some significant administrative posts were now hereditary.
  • Sometimes single person held many offices.
  • Important men had provided in local administration.
  • Question 5: What do you think Arvind would have to do if he was acting as Samudragupta?
  • Answer: If Arvind was acting as Samudragupta he would have to do the following things:
  • Maintain a well organised army, weapons and make strategies to win battles.
  • Establish a strong and efficient administration.
  • Look after the welfare of the people.
  • Learn to play the veena.
  • Question 6: Do you think ordinary people would have read and understood the prashastis? Give reasons for your answer.
  • Answer: No. Ordinary people could not have understood the Prashastis. This is because they were written in Sanskrit.
  • uestion 7: If you had to make a genealogy for yourself, who are the people you would include in it? How many generations would you like to show? Make a chart and fill it.
  • Answer: If I had to make a genealogy for myself, I would like to include the following persons in it:
  • Name of my great grandfather.
  • Name of my grandfather.
  • Name of my father and mother.
  • The name/names of son or sons.
  • The name/names of my grandchildren.
  • I would like to show the following five generations:
  • Great Grandfather
  • Grandfather
  • Parents
  • My own name
  • Names of my son and grandson.
  • Question 8: How do you think wars affect the lives of ordinary people today?
  • Answer: Today wars affect the lives of ordinary people today in the following ways:
  • It affects the livelihood of people
  • It affects the trade and business
  • People may incur a personal loss due to the loss of lives of near and dear ones and the loss of property. READ MORE-