Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, Euglena, Slime Moulds, Protozoans.Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, Euglena, Slime Moulds, Protozoans.

Kingdom Protista belongs to unicellular eukaryotes. It is categorised into five groups like Diatoms, Dinoflagellates, Euglena, Slime Moulds, Protozoans.


They are phytoplankton mostly present in marine condition and are chief producer in ocean. It is multi layer and made up of hard silica that’s why it is indistractable. It cann’t degrade by decomposer easily that’s why diatoms have left behind huge cellwall deposits in their habitants which is termed as diatomaceous earth.

Different forms of Dinoflagellates (Blue, Red, Brown, Yellow). Red and Blue form of Dinoflagellates can grow exponently affecting the marine biodiversity such conditions are termed as red and blue tide respectively.


It is considerd as connecting link between plants and animals as some of the forms are photosynthetic and others are non photosynthetic. These are present in fresh water condition.


These are saprotrophic forms of protista that is actingas decomposer. They can grow in diverse conditions like forest floor, grasscover, tree trunks wooden logs etc.


Amoeba, Plasmodium, Paramoecium are the examples of protozoans They primarily act as parasites on various animals and humans. It can cause various infection which can even be fatal plasmodium like Malaria, brain eating Amoeba

READ MORE-https://sonulive.in/five-kingdom-classification/