18th Century in India Beyond the Dark Age18th Century in India Beyond the Dark Age

Hello friends welcome to Sonu live ,in this article I’m going to tell you about Why 18th Century is Considered as DARK AGE

Understanding the 18th Century in India: Beyond the “Dark Age” Label

Why Some Call it a “Dark Age”

Trouble in Politics: The Mughal Empire, a big deal back then, started falling apart fast. This caused fights and chaos. Money Problems: Wars and heavy taxes messed up farming, causing famines and trade issues. Cities Losing Shine: Important cities like Delhi lost their sparkle and influence. Biased Views: Some early historians, who looked at things from a European perspective, thought the fall of big empires was bad news.

Why That Label Doesn’t Fit

Regions Bouncing Back: Even with the Mughals in trouble, strong local rulers like the Marathas and Sikhs came up with new ways to run things and grow their areas. Culture Staying Strong: People kept making art, writing, and being religious, showing that life and culture still thrived. Seeing the Full Picture: Calling it a “Dark Age” misses out on the good stuff and makes it seem like everything was bad everywhere, which isn’t true. Change in Power: When one big power fell, others rose up, shaking things up in India.

Looking at the Big Picture

Lots Happening: The 18th century was all about change and different things happening in different places. Ups and Downs: It was a mix of the Mughals going down and new powers coming up. Keeping Traditions Alive: Even with all the mess, people kept doing what they loved, like making art and thinking about religion.

Wrapping Up

Calling the 18th century a “Dark Age” makes things sound too simple. It was actually a time of big changes, with some good and some bad. Understanding it all means looking beyond labels and seeing the real story of India’s past.

Read More-https://sonulive.in/india-in-18th-century/