Buddhism and Jainism

Introduction of Buddhism

Information relate to the birth of Mahatma Buddha, the founder of Buddhism was obtained from the Rummindei inscription of Ashoka. At the age of 29 Gautam Buddha left his house; this phenomena was known Mahabhinishkraman. In the fourth Buddhist Council, Buddhism was divided into two school : Hinyana and Mahayana.

Introduction of Jainism

The followers of Jin (conqueror of mind, speech, body ) are called Jains.The first Tirthankara of Jainism was Rishabhdev. And the 24th and last Tirthankar was Mahavir Swami who brought it to climax.

Major sets of Jainism are Shvetambara and Digambara


Shvetambara means white-clad, and refers to its ascetics practice of wearing white clothes.

Lest strict adherence to religious beliefs.

Its great exponent was Sthulabhadra.


The sanskrit word Digambara means sky-clad, referring to their traditional monastic practice of neither possessing nor wearing any clothes.

Monks of the Digambar do not wear clothes.

Female monks wear unstitched plain white sarees and are called Aryikas.

Strict adherence to the teaching of religion.

Great exponent was Bhadrabahu.

Concepts and philosophy under Buddhism

Four major Noble truths :-

Dukha (The truth of suffering)

Samudaya (The truth of the cause of suffering)

Nirodha (The truth of the end of suffering)

Ashtangika-Marga (The truth of the path leading to the end of suffering)

Under Buddhism there is Eight Fold Path

Right Understanding

Right thought

Right speech

Right action

Right livelihood

Right effort

Right mindfulness

Right concentration

Buddhism rejects the authenticity of Vedas . It also rejects the concept of the existence of soul (atman) unlike Jainism.

Buddhist holy book was Tripitaka.

These texts are also known as the three baskets.

These are thought to be the earliest collection of Buddhist writings.

There are three Jewels (Triratnas) :- Buddha (the enlightened), Dhamma(doctrine), Sangha (order)
